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4.2 ( 2432 ratings )
Разработчик Jean-Michel Tanguy

Beyond the Image: Capture the Soul of Your Memories and Track Your Projects

Photos and videos immortalize moments, but what about the emotions, touching words, and reflections that make us smile? These precious moments, which often escape the lens, also deserve to be preserved.

A photo does not capture the whispers of children, the successes, the challenges, the laughter. These little gems of daily life slowly fade from our memory.

Kidinote is the complement to your photo albums. It preserves what the camera cannot capture: the very essence of your most precious moments. The innocent questions, the surprising reflections, the spontaneous declarations of love from your children – everything that enriches the emotional fabric of your family life.

Support your projects over time by documenting each key step, each decision, each learning experience. Transform your spontaneous reflections into genuine action plans. These written traces become the guiding thread of your achievements, testifying to your progress and nourishing your motivation.

Simplicity is key: one tool to centralize your ideas, structure your projects, and orchestrate your daily life. From inspiration to realization, bring your ambitions to life, one note at a time.

In a few years, rediscover not only your moments of happiness but also the journey of your projects, the evolution of your ideas, and all those little daily victories. Your memories are accessible on all your devices and secured in your iCloud account.

Complete your memories. Capture the invisible. Build your future.

The application is organized around two simple elements: notebooks and notes.

Create Your Notebooks
- Start by creating one or more notebooks to organize your memories by theme.
- Examples: "Kids Words," "Home Project," "Vacation Ideas," "Inspirational Quotes."
- Give explicit names that will help you find them easily.

Add Your Notes
- In each notebook, create as many notes as you wish.
- Write spontaneously: a childs word, an idea, a precious moment.
- Customize the date to note past events.
- A note can be short or long, depending on your needs.

Intuitive Navigation
- Use the search function to quickly find a memory or idea.
- Filter by notebook or content.
- Swipe from left to right to move from one note to another.

- Edit your notes at any time.
- Move notes from one notebook to another.
- Rename or reorganize your notebooks as needed.

Tip: Take a few seconds to note your memories as they happen. Its the best way to ensure you dont lose any!